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The Team

Who We Are

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Zach Weaver

Founder & CEO

Zach has a passion for helping and serving young people. He is heavily experienced in youth engagement and developing teams and initiatives. He has the pleasure of touring all over the UK and Europe with the ever expanding band TSM. He has literally seen thousands of young people helped in the past year. He is delighted to be in a position where he can help the ‘now’ generation of young people and have a significant impact on their lives.

The Voulenteers

We have an army of volunteers, everyone from one off stewards for events, to chefs, to sports fanatics and everything in between. With out all of these people we would have no project. So these are the real legends that keep the show on the road! 


Want to join our amazing family? Send an email to the email below and tell us a little bit about you. 

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